音色2.0 (Review by Deathspark)

10th review, and this time I can’t read the album… @@; 音色2.0 it says, huh… According to vocaloid wikia, it’s Neiro 2.0. You can check it out here: http://vocaloid.wikia.com/wiki/Neiro_2.0_(%E9%9F%B3%E8%89%B22.0)

Album: 音色2.0
Genre: Mixed
Link: http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B013Y4IP4Q
Tracks: 5
Song Highlight: ステラ [Stella] (Track 3), icoro (Track 5)

No intro again, it’s a good thing sometimes.

What I like

ステラ [Stella] (Track 3) is a song by Dixie Flatline and like the last review yes, it’s Dixie again. I know, I should probably stop, but after this review you won’t be seeing a lot of Dixies, so yeah. (Saying Dixie sounds wrong…) Anyway, this song is awesome, but did you remember what I said in the previous review where Dixie Flatline is like Taylor Swift? Well for this song it’s the same story, break up and she’s crying about it. I wonder how his life is… anyway, the song is just about a girl remembering about her boyfriend and wished she didn’t break up, I think. (I can’t recall, this song is quite old…)

Icoro (Track 5) is interesting to me. It’s slow, but the voice used is very good. It doesn’t feel very awkward and it’s smooth. I like the way that it has a Jazzy feeling to it. Deep voice + Jazz? Wow, sign me up. This one’s great. Would love this song while I sip on some wine and have some cheese. Yum.

What I don’t like

みゅぅみゅぅみゅう![Mew! Mew! Mew!] Is quite a weird song… Did I like it, uh, what? WHAT IS THIS SONG?! I can’t even picture what’s going on! It feels like a mess honestly. The only thing I can think of was a cat playing with something and it feels weird listening to it. The reason I say it’s a cat because of the song title. Yeah, there you go. It’s one song that I’d be like “WHAT AM I LISTENING TO…?”

Personal Opinions

Effanineffable -語るに語れぬ- (Track 4) sounds… not like your everyday songs. It’s more of that voice projection styled song so it’s alright. I’m not really a fan of it, reasons why it’s a personal opinion. If this was a song before a battle in war, it’d be nice honestly. If I knew what the song meant that is.


This album is quite unique; it has quite a number of funky and great songs in it. It’s good if you want to experiment what songs you like.

Should you buy this album? : Maybe
Will Deathspark buy this album? : No
Reason: Stella got my 5 stars, but, well, not enough to make me go for it.

3 stars, some songs are alright, but most, maybe not.
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