I can’t read this 33rd album, so I’ll need the Google Translate. 月の詩 I – ツキノウタ – ( Month of poetry I – Tsukinouta – based on Google Translate) is an album consisting of songs sung by Yuzuki Yukari. You don’t know who this Vocaloid is? Well her voice is deep, but not as deep as Gumi… I think. Well, think of it as a friend of Luka, they sound slightly similar?
Album: 月の詩 I – ツキノウタ –
Genre: Mixed
Link: http://www.vocalomakets.com/yukari_CD/001/
(It sold out?! Ouchers…)
Tracks: 15 Tracks
Song Highlight: 鈍色のアポカリプス (Track 10)
No intros, no worries.
What I like
鈍色のアポカリプス [Apocalypse of dark gray based on Google Translate] (Track 10) by Dixie Flatline is one of those gold treasures where you may not find in most albums. This song has that party mood up and Yukari’s voice fits perfectly in this song. Since when Dixie did these kinds of songs? Well, not always, but it’s a wonderful treat. It’s perfect for parties and I’d gladly use this for trying to stay awake.
What I don’t like
Yeah, I only liked one song. Did I hate any songs? No, honestly… the songs were average, weren’t too horrendous neither too excellent. They were not my tastes you could say. Guess this is one of those hit or miss albums. None of them were bad, that’s all I will say.
A mix and match of Yuzuki Yukari songs, perfect for testing the waters if you want to like this Vocaloid or not. Worked for me.
Should you buy this album? : Maybe? (50%)
Will Deathspark buy this album? : Maybe not… (20%)
This album contains a special kind of gold by Dixie Flatline, which makes me consider… but I may not purchase it if I had a choice. A safe 3/5 for me, the album isn’t bad, just maybe not for me…
P.S. Woah Deathspark, this is a very short review, you sure you’re doing your job?! Yes, yes I am and not all of the songs impressed me a lot, therefore I won’t speak much.
Kanji for poetry, spoken as moon. That is a literal moonrune.
super potato’d. someone correct me
I see, well, we learn something every day!