Galactic Cute Romance

Album Info
Download Links

mediafire (FLAC+scan, official download)
MEGA (mp3 320)

    • Tracklist:
      1. Galactic Trap (5:58) ダリャ feat. 初音ミク V3 (English)
      2. Thousand Stars Love Message (3:49)
        CitronSec feat. 初音ミク V3 (English)
      3. Coloured Dreams (3:15)
        WindeR, CitronSec feat. 初音ミク V3 (English)
      4. Galactic Trap - Instrumental (5:58) ダリャ
      5. Thousand Stars Love Message - Instrumental (3:49)
      6. Coloured Dreams - Instrumental (3:15)
        WindeR, CitronSec

    VocaDB Album Link:VocaDB
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