idle thoughts

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    • Tracklist:
      1. recognition (1:55) nostraightanswer feat. IA
      2. diagnosis (3:35) nostraightanswer feat. IA, 倍音音ケンジ
      3. action (2:36) nostraightanswer feat. 倍音音ケンジ
      4. accel (3:21) nostraightanswer
      5. equilibrium (2:00) nostraightanswer feat. IA
      6. quotation (3:14) nostraightanswer
      7. rem (3:04) nostraightanswer feat. IA
      8. question (3:28) nostraightanswer feat. 倍音音ケンジ
      9. correlation (3:28) nostraightanswer feat. IA
      10. solution (6:13) nostraightanswer
      11. floaters (2:34) nostraightanswer feat. IA
      12. reflection (3:03) nostraightanswer feat. 倍音音ケンジ
      13. idle thoughts (4:24) nostraightanswer feat. IA
      14. luminosity (2:28) nostraightanswer feat. IA, 倍音音ケンジ
      15. embrace (2:34) nostraightanswer feat. IA
      16. closure (2:07) nostraightanswer
      17. consideration (0:46) nostraightanswer
      18. advisement (4:20) nostraightanswer
      19. Closure (2:15) nostraightanswer, EmpathP feat. Avanna

    VocaDB Album Link:VocaDB
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