Chat now with other online users on MikuDB!

We are glad to announce that we opened our chat for all users. Since it is hosted on our own server, we still don’t know how it well it works. But right now it seems like it is working fine, so why don’t you join us for some chit chat?

The chat is visible on the right sidebar whenever you visit other pages and not on our homepage. You can also access it also by clicking on Chat on the menu.


Also, I wanna thank the user Cannier Chain, who contacted us asking if we could do it. We were already doing some experimenting but were uncertain, if we should do it or not. For now, I have decided to use our own server hosting rather than chatango. If anything, we can always switch to chatango right? ^^

With this I also want to mention that we are always listening to your ideas, recommendations and suggestions! Keep them flowing in and keep contacting like you do!

With this, we will always hold a day once every week, where all users have the chance to chat with us. Be it just for fun, asking funny stuff, serious stuff, or etc. Get your fantasies running wild! We will always announce the time and date as usually as a notification for all users.



We had to use still chatango, someone was spamming our website so the server crashed, but managed to only slow our page. To decrease the workload, chatango will be used.

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