39th album, and 39 means Miku! So what do I have in store for this post? Well, honestly I’m not going to do anything too special, just what I’ve been doing for the past 38 reviews. I can’t believe I’ve made it this far, come to think of it… Anyway, our next album is Circle Jerk Galactic. This album is a compilation from multiple artists, and one of them is my favorite. Without further ado, let’s talk about it.
Album: Circle Jerk Galactic
Genre: Electronica/Dubstep
Link: http://www.toranoana.jp/mailorder/article/04/0030/18/31/040030183187.html
Tracks: 8 Tracks
Song Highlight: Fly to night, tonight (Track 1), Infinite Dreamer (Track 6) and One more (Track 8)
No intros in this album.
What I like
Fly to night, tonight (Track 1) by Camellia is what I was talking about when I mentioned that one of my favorite artists was in this album. Just to let you know, Camellia is a superior music artist making loads of songs and is known for electronica and dubstep. So how does this song fare? Exactly what I expected from a song by Camellia . It has energy and it has that dubstep feeling along with the tingles to make it sound, tingly? It’s Camellia’s style and it works. I must say, usually Camellia’s works do not fare well with Vocaloids, however this one is spot on. It does its job and yes, just like the title, it’s suitable. This track would be wonderful for occasions like a night party. I noticed I always relate songs to a night party or starry nights, guess I’ll try and change things up if possible…
Infinite Dreamer (Track 6) by Kikuo is quite funky. Not what I expected, but I like it. I like how it combines a touch of dubstep along with old fashioned funk and make it sound new. I don’t know how Kikuo did it, but he did, and it is amazing. Oh, I have no idea who Kikuo is by the way, so I’m curious to what else Kikuo can do. I noticed that Miku can actually say Infinite Dreamer in English properly, which was cool. I guess with proper tuning and proper English pronunciations, Miku can speak English if the person knows what he/she is doing.
One more (Track 8) by y0c1e is probably my favorite in this album. I like how this song has a proper buildup and then bursts into so much energy. I also love how the ambience helps with the buildup and when the burst comes, I can imagine the DJ screaming at the crowd to raise their hands as the crowd cheers. Yes, I’m doing another night party reference, so I’ll try to change this. Perhaps, this is nice to play at a beach, full of party animals on a hot sunny afternoon. That’s a change now isn’t it? The song works after all, it has the excitement and the tempo is consistent. Honestly, if there is a song I’d like to use as an encore, this is it. It’s called One more after all. By the way, y0c1e is an artist I know a little, I didn’t do a full research on him, so I won’t be talking too much about him. What I can say is, he also works on electronica, but that’s pretty much all I know.
What I don’t like
The not highlighted songs didn’t impress me, however I felt that they had potential. So give them a listen and see if it tickles your fantasy.
However, note that the song Circle Jerk Galactic (Track 4) isn’t particularly a song. More like a short track just to introduce to you the next four songs, nothing special.
This album has your electronica and dubstep fix, get it if you are into any of them.
Should you buy this album? : Probably (60%)
Will Deathspark buy this album? : Probably (60%)
3 songs caught my attention. If I had the chance, I may purchase it.
Have an album you’d like me to talk about? Please, visit this page for more details!
You should really check out Kikuo, he’s one of my favorite producers. His other works are not much like InfiniteDreamer, but his tuning is very good and I really like the feel of his songs.
Perhaps some album recommendations? You can request after all! 😀 Anyway, I see potential in Kikuo, so perhaps I may be a big fan, perhaps.
He has four Vocaloid albums. My favorites are Kikuo Miku and Kikuo Miku 3 (they’re all Kikuo Miku, numbered). But Kikuo Miku 2 has a few songs that I can’t ignore: Chiri Chiri Juso and Gomenne, Gomenne. He commonly has some creepy themes to his songs, but the sound can be quite whimsical. I like the contrast.
I see, go ahead and suggest every single one of them! I’ll check on em!
Just to be sure, click the link that leads to the Album Request page. That would help me out a lot!
Pardon my ignorance, but I haven’t used that feature before. If I understand correctly, the album request is for the album to be uploaded, right?
Ah look through all the articles that deathspark has posted (click on his name) and keep scrolling though and you’ll find it. I think it’s titled recommend and album but there are two one is mine and the other is deathspark’s
Or the link at the bottom of the article.
The link at the bottom of the article will always redirect you to the Album Request page! Therefore, no hassle on where the Album Request page is located!
Ohhh I see! I was thinking of the other Request page. Thanks for the help!
To be safe, as long as the writer is Deathspark, you’re on the right track!