Hello everyone!
Your resident editor WoobiE is back with some oh so good news, as well as some not so bad news.
First and foremost, I hope everyone is having a good day and enjoying themselves, or getting busy with life.
I will get on with the issue at hand and won’t waste your time. Bad news is, here at MikuDB we have many staff members who opt to donate their free time and work without pay to keep the site running, with new content being added at steady rate, whether it be articles, albums or videos. Unfortunately for many of the members who join as staff, free time comes at a cost and a good number become inactive due to real life commitments, which in turn leaves us short on manpower. Short on staff, all of the goodies that we release tend to slow down to a trickle, and that sucks, big time.
Here is the good news that came with the bad, we will be recruiting new staff members to help us. Yay! Of course this comes at a cost, your free time.
Right now, we are still short on writing staff and editors. At this moment, we need a few more writers to come on board and write articles relating to vocaloid, be it album reviews, video reviews, figure reviews or just up to date vocaloid news. We are also in search of a few editors who excel at English, both in writing and understanding. Right now, I’m the sole editor and need a few more hands to help me out.
If you think you got what it takes and have some free time that you can donate to us, please reply to this post with a small resume on why we should be taking you up as a writer or editor. You can leave details of how committed you are to vocaloid, your understanding, skills, hobbies, anything that you can think of that will help you get the position you want.
Below you will find some requirements that need to be met to work with us.
Writer requirements
- Intermediate understanding of English (need this to write articles)
- Have an interest in Vocaloid
- Can work independently
- Submission of at least one article a week (depends on how much free time you have, can be one article a fortnight)
- Work long term e.g. 4-6 months plus
- Very up to date with Vocaloid news
Editor requirements
- Advanced understanding of English (you can read, write and speak efficiently)
- Apply knowledge of English Grammar to grammatical errors and correct accordingly
- Can work independently
- Work long term e.g. 4-6 months plus
- Very up to date with Vocaloid news
So what are you waiting for? Post your resume and come join us.
Can I?
Please read the article carefully about how to apply.
I may not have all the necessartly requirements but can I? I l’m not updated to Vocaloid news but sure I the communication skills to understand everyone and I may not able to recommend Vocaloid things except my own opinion, is that valid? I have been a member of this site a year already or so, but just not logging in. Give me the something to work and I’ll do everything what I can.
Thank you for having vested interest in our vacant positions.
From what you have written in your response, I am sad to say that you do not meet our requirements and will not be taken on as a staff member. I will give you a brief run down of why you do not qualify for the position.
Your written response in English is at an okay level, but it still needs a lot of work for us here at MikuDB to take you on as staff. Also the fact that you are a member but don’t log on does not help us in our pursuit for an active staff member. We also need someone who can work independently and not need orders from the higher ups, in terms of what is needed to be done.
Hello! I got into Vocaloid about a year and a half ago, and I’ve been looking for some way to contribute to the community. I have used this site quite a lot for discovering Vocaloid music, so I’d like to give back what I can.
I am fluent in English, so no worries about that. I also have good writing and editing skills from schooling in humanities. I’m used to working independently and editing my own work.
I listen to Vocaloid music more than anything else nowadays, and I’m taking a trip to New York for the Miku Expo this weekend, so I’d like to think that I’m pretty committed to it. I came into Vocaloid listening to metal, so UtsuP was the first producer I listened to. I’ve since broadened my scope to pretty much any genre, but metal is still my favorite.
I try to stay up-to-date with general Vocaloid news. I get most of it from social media, both from official sources and secondary sources (like MikuDB).
As for my position, I can certainly write album reviews and other articles, but if you are in need, I can try my hand at being at editor. Although I have no experience in journalism, I can learn. If there is anything else you’d like to know, please ask!
Thank you for having vested interest in our vacant positions.
From what you have written in your response, I am happy to say that you do meet our requirements and will be taken on as a staff member.
We look forward to welcoming you and having you on board.
I will be contacting you within the following days to discuss your new position within the MikuDB family.
Looking forward meeting you
this is mikufan, sorry when ya break your phone and only internet access is gym treadmill that you cant listen to music, life sucks. i only go to the library occationally, and luckly i should be back soon now that school is almost over. will have two articles out this week, how come no album uploaders as that is what we need most. will try to always help out mikudb and will be extremely active this summer ‘cept tuesdays and thursdays, marching band practices. sorry for lack of content posted when we are low, when we need it most right now. mikufan out.
As a reminder, if you need to contact me you can do so in our team chat and not need to comment on this post. This is reserved for those who are applying for the openn position and not you to give me status updates. And for your question about not hiring album uploaders, I am not in charge nor apart of the album uploading department, if you want, you may speak to Yun on that issue.
Is there also some sort of age requirement (Ex. 18+)? If not, then I might be able to start over the summer.
I’d love to help out with editing if I can! I’m a native English speaker living in the US and am currently in college. I passed both of my English Composition classes with an A so I’d say my English writing and revision skills are up to par. A large portion of my English classes have been peer reviews and revision. Working independently is a huge part of being a successful college student, and being in the Honors College at my school with a 3.7 GPA shows that working independently is no issue for me. And of course, I love Vocaloid music! I have a thing for rhythm games and I was hooked ever since I tried out the Project Diva f demo on my Vita. It’s been about 2 years since then and I’ve only gotten more invested in the community. My schedule is pretty free for the summer and I should have plenty of time to help out beyond that as well.
Thank you for having vested interest in our vacant positions.
From what you have written in your response, I am happy to say that you do meet our requirements and will be taken on as a staff member.
We look forward to welcoming you and having you on board.
I will be contacting you within the following days to discuss your new position within the MikuDB family.
Looking forward meeting you
Bloody strewth! I may lack the chops of some of the more prim and proper members here but I have 3 years of Uni under my belt and a love for slang XD (Can’t remove the Aussie out of me if you tried) But yeah if a position is available I’ll try to squeeze it in between my racing team, Uni and work. Hardcore fan for over 2 years now (my Miku body pillow can attest to this 😉 ) and an adept knowledge of works dating from 2014 to now. I do possess adequate equipment to evaluate albums as well (no sniggering here, I forked out good money for my stuff) and an innate appreciation for fine music.
But enough tooting my own horn. one wants to read such lowly drivel… or could I say tripe? I cannot fathom a more fitting term for the above paragraph. Catch me on Twitter @yumeMiku39_p or send me a reply here. I sit with anticipation waiting for a response to the above proposition.
Ayy mate, you bloody legend! I got a position right up ya alley, if ya know what I mean. 3 Years of Uni? Perfect, we need a fair-dinkum fellow with a good noodle.
Just reading your reply brings joy to my ears. It won’t hurt to have another Aussie around the house to loosen things up and crack a few jokes.
But as you say, enough talk. I too won’t beat around the bush and will contact you ASAP about the position. Keep an eye out for a private message in the not too distant future.
Cheers brah,
You bloody ripper! This is more exciting then a B&S ball. I’ll keep my eyes peeled on the old inbox.
YumeMiku39@VCLD Racing Team.
Hi! I’m quite interested in becoming an editor on this site, as it will give me something to do with my time. My main motivation for this wanting to help and give back to the community that gives me so much happiness through Vocaloid music. I am constantly correcting others through text when their grammar is off (I know, I’m horrible xD). Almost all the music I listen to now is Vocaloid, which means so much to me. Even when I’m feeling my worst, I know I can listen to Vocaloid music and it will cheer me right up. I also enjoy working independently most of the time. Taking into account that most of my time off of school is usually filled by browsing the internet and such, I will have a lot of time to pay attention to this website. Once again, I would love to help edit in this community and I hope you will accept me. (*≧ω≦*)
Hi, I have no intention to rush you guys at all, but I’ve been waiting a couple weeks for a reply and still haven’t gotten one ;-;
Interested in doing Album Reviews
I’m interested in applying for the writer position. I have lots of free time, and can speak English fluently. I got into Vocaloid 4 years ago and I still listen everyday, I’d love to get a chance to contribute to this community. Been a musician for years and i’d love to do album reviews mainly. Working independently is not a problem. I have not been very active in this site, but give me a job and I’ll be all over it.
Thank you for having vested interest in our vacant positions.
From what you have written in your response, I am happy to say that you do meet our requirements and will be taken on as a staff member.
We look forward to welcoming you and having you on board.
I will be contacting you within the following days to discuss your new position within the MikuDB family.
Looking forward meeting you
Greetings and salutations!
I would love to become a member of your editing team! I am a native English speaker, have a Bachelor’s Degree in English, as well as a Minor in Writing, and Love Love Love Love Vocaloid.
Not to be nerdy, but editing is also one of my hobbies. I also worked for a few months as a transcriber, but it turned out not to be a very lucrative job, so I stopped doing it, but I do enjoy editing a lot. People that I work with often ask me to look over and edit work for them such as letters, e-mails, or training materials as some examples.
I try to stay up to date on Vocaloid news as much as I can and visit MikuDB at least once a week. I don’t think I have a login yet though, so I will go make one now.
Looking forward to/hoping to work with you!!
Thank you for having vested interest in our vacant positions.
From what you have written in your response, I am happy to say that you do meet our requirements and will be taken on as a staff member.
We look forward to welcoming you and having you on board.
I will be contacting you within the following days to discuss your new position within the MikuDB family.
Looking forward meeting you
Hi, what about Request albums? I have a decent upload limit of 10 mb, and im pretty good at searching for albums on chinese-japanese sites.