Tohoku Zunko is Getting an Anime

It has been announced that the character Tohoku Zunko will receiving an anime in 2017. The movie, titled “Zunda Horizon”, will be produced by WAO World and Studio Live in collaboration with SSS-Studio and will be directed by Hiroshi Takeuchi as a part of Anime Tamago 2017, a training project for young animators.

Tohoku Zunko is a license-free character for the Tohoku region of Japan. She was created for commercial use by Tohoku businesses in order to promote economic revitalization following the 2011 earthquake that devastated the region. She is likely known to many of you, as she is to me, through her Voiceroid and Vocaloid voice banks, but she has also been adapted in a light novel, manga, 4-koma, smartphone app, 3D model, and many other commercial products, so an anime seems to be the next step.

Official Site
Announcement (Japanese)
Vocaloid News Network
Kickstarter with Additional Info about Zunko (Eng)

  1. Ya know, tons of people asked for a vocaloid anime, manga, or light novel(I am on of them.) While there is a manga, it’s not an official manga(Hatsune Mix.) We finally got our wish, but it’s not exactly what everyone wanted exactly. Either way, I’m not gonna be a little pessimistic cunt about it. I’m looking forward to this anime in 2017.

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