Luo TianYi 洛天依 – March Rain 三月雨

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  • 細雨墜 煙水濛濛微醺誰人醉 春風吹 山路重重縹緲難回 柳絮飛 暗香陣陣枝頭吐新蕊 煙花碎 相思慕慕別離憔悴 綿綿春雨到 無期 漾起心湖水中影 回首你我曾經 在夢裡 仍純淨似琉璃 又是一年春 花季裡 隨風飄零無蹤跡 時光匆匆離去 尋覓 難續前世之緣點滴情 念往昔 我急旋慢轉你撫琴低吟 到如今 重唱此曲卻已無你 莫嘆息 我再舞一曲你意亂情迷 空餘憶 良辰美景多可惜 傾杯醉 化蝶兒飛 飛去尋百年來相思 淚珠碎 只盼入睡 睡夢中此情可追回 念往昔 我急旋慢轉你撫琴低吟 到如今 重唱此曲卻已無你 莫嘆息 我再舞一曲你意亂情迷 空餘憶 良辰美景多可惜 韶華逝 今朝不知在哪裡 光陰錯 明日心往何處依 仲春期 輪迴百轉只為你 三月雨 千絲萬縷長相憶
  • The light rain falls- the hazy landschape's scent intoxicates passerby. The spring wind blows- It passes the mountain road one after another, never to return Willow seeds fly- branch tips release new buds in fluctuating bursts of light fragrance Flowers fade- I become haggard as I think incessantly of our memories after our separation. The light spring rain falls unceasingly, creating ripples in the reflection on the water of the heart's lake When I looked back at you, it was as if I was in a dream, still pure as glaze A new spring comes again in the season of flowers, and they're blown away by the wind, leaving no traces behind I search for the time that has fled away, but it's difficult to continue the fate and attentive feelings that we had before I remember back then, I spun quickly and turned slowly while you played an instrument and sang softly But when I sing this song again now, you're no longer here Please don't sigh; I dance another song with my feelings for you in disorder and confusion Memories still remain, but they're all empty; the beautiful scenes they contain are such a pity Emptying my cup and becoming drunk, I change into a butterfly and fly away- I fly to search for the yearning that comes once in a hundred years My teardrops splatter, I can only hope to fall asleep so I can regain these feelings within a dream I remember back then, I spun quickly and turned slowly while you played an instrument and sang softly But when I sing this song again now, You're no longer here Please dont sigh; I dance another song with my feelings for you in disorder and confusion Memories still remain, but they're all empty; the beautiful scenes they contain are such a pity The beautiful spring of our youth has passed- I don't know where it has gone now Time has gone awry- where will my heart be attached tomorrow? In the middle of the spring, I spin this cycle a hundred times just for you. The march rain is like the countless strands of my memories

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