人畜無害~さつきがてんこもり (Review by Deathspark)

12th album and we’re taking things up a notch, sort of. This one is a compilation and everything goes. So here we go! Album name is, erm… 人畜無害~さつきがてんこもり
Just copy paste it god dammit… Anyway, not to spoil you but you will find at least one or two familiar songs in this album. For some reason, it contains a lot of old songs which I can skip through quickly too. Reason why this album has a lot of old songs is because it is an old album. It was released in 2012, so I can cut some slack on this. So these songs used to be hip and cool, let’s see if it’s hip and cool now.

Album: 人畜無害~さつきがてんこもり
Genre: Electronica
Link: http://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B007EXQMB2/
Tracks: 15
Song Highlight: 夏休みYummy (Track 6), ネトゲ廃人シュプレヒコール -buff!buff!REMIX- (Track 13) and男の娘メモラブル -He is Panda Girl!? REMIX- (Track 14)

No intros, this one is going in deep.

What I like

夏休みYummy [Whatever that was with a Yummy at the back] (Track 6) surprisingly got me, and sang by Len and Rin too. Here’s the thing, I’m not a huge fan of male Vocaloids, just, can’t feel it man… BUT! Correct me if I’m wrong because I am guessing it’s Len and Rin, I’m not 100% sure because I have no data on this, but I am certain it’s a great song and I have a strong feeling Rin or Len is in it. (SERIOUSLY, the song is in 3 albums and I can’t even identify the singer, damn…) Anyway, the song is very bright and happy, so it gets me excited. It’s fast and it feels good for some reason. So yeah.

ネトゲ廃人シュプレヒコール -buff!buff!REMIX- [Online Game Addicts Sprechor remix] (Track 13) is quite a powerful mix. I kind of underestimated this when I saw it was a remix, wrong. This one has energy and it fits the song very well for some magical and apparent reason. Anyway, the song doesn’t lose its melody and at the same has a faster pace compared to the original, which was fantastic. It’s rapid, wild and it paces very well. That’s why I liked it, it caught me off guard, and it worked well.

男の娘メモラブル -He is Panda Girl!? REMIX- [otokonoko memorable remix] (Track 14) is like 5 steps above the original. Of course, you have Pandaboy in it, no wonder. This one was epic, and if you search this up on Youtube, this remix comes first. Yes, the remix is better than original for this one. This one feels fresh and makes you want to dance, which is why you’re most likely to find dances on this song in Youtube. Don’t believe me? Copy the song title above, and search it up on Youtube, what’s the first hit?
Yup, a dance video. The second one?
Told you so. Anyway, this song is good, it’s catchy and makes you want to dance, nothing else I can say.

What I don’t like

人畜無害 (Track 8) is one weird song, like not in a good way… I’m so confused. Like, VERY CONFUSED. Here, the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yan0F4soT9E
I can see the theme keeps changing, but it’s inconsistent! Like, some things don’t mix well properly you know? How do I put it, well let’s say it’s like this. You’re having Vanilla ice cream, and I give you a chocolate on the next, that’s fine. Strawberry next, okay, that’s fine. Then, green tea, still alright I guess. Then I put in mango. Yeah, it’s not looking good. Then I add in blueberry. You see, they are all nice flavors, but when you put them together, you only get a sugary mess. So, this song is exactly what I just described, a mess.

Personal Opinions

ハッピーシンセサイザ – さつき が てんこもり’s “redial call remix”- [Holy schmoly that’s a mouthful… Just call it a Happy Synthesizer remix] (Track 2) is a remix of Easypop’s famous song. (Right?) Problem is, I am not a particularly a huge fan of this song. The original I meant, but of course this one also was just okay…? I wasn’t really excited or whatever, but I guess if any of you liked the original, this one isn’t too bad of a remix I suppose.

回線上のギャングスター[Someone tell me what this is…?] (Track 3) is a very old song, and brought back here. No changes, huh. What, you searched this up on Youtube and you’re telling me it’s new? Please, go to Supernova 5 and you’ll realize it’s already there. Therefore, I heard this song already, and of course, wasn’t really impressed by it. Just wanted to point out because I heard this way before I got this album, that’s all I wanted to say for this song really…

アストロトルーパー [Astro Troopers](Track 4) has this retro-ish game feel. I was right:
This video should be enough to tell the story with loads of stupid cameos. (All your base belong to us, Gachimuchi…?) And it sort of illustrates my favorite kind of games, bullet hell (or Danmaku in Japanese). A brief way to describe bullet hell? Just google up Touhou, yeah, that’s bullet hell. Reason I didn’t highlight this was because sure it was funny, but it didn’t make me “Hell yeah I want this song!”

ネトゲ廃人シュプレヒコール [Online Game Addicts Sprechor](Track 5) is quite an old song as well. Come on, most of you may know this. No? Never heard of it? Okay, it’s in Project Diva F. No? Well I liked the fact that it’s in Phantasy Star Online 2, well, in Project Diva F it has that setting. I heard this song many times already, and not to be biased, I 3 star-ed this back then, and my answer is same till now. Just not my kind of song, but it’s not bad honestly. In fact, there was a remix for this song that got me excited, not in this review. Oh my, it is indeed in this review…

チョコレートは人体に対してこんなにも危険![Probably about, sweet stuff…] (Track 9) is a very cute song, and I have a problem with songs at the rate of diabetes. It’s too sweet, so I have a problem with this, which explains why I’m not a fan of daniwell’s songs. Anyway, if you like cutesy sweet diabetes inducing songs, here.

お断りします[No Thank You] (Track 10) is also another old song and a funny one too. Seriously, I just posted this in mikudb and I am writing this now. I literally chuckled just by hearing it again. Oh well at least because of this, now I can refuse people by saying ‘o koto warishimasu’ with a bright smile. Yeah it’s funny, but not exciting. Like I said earlier in Astro Troopers.

お断りします -Dempa ga Tenkomo remix- [It’s just a remix of No Thank You] (Track 12) just made me literally say loudly “What the F@&!?” Seriously, I didn’t see this coming, but once again, its comedy. And the song, well, it’s not really that great. Honestly, the original was better for this one, sorry.

いいえ、トムは妹に対して性的な興奮を覚えています[UGHHH, just google this, I swear every song in this album is torturing me… To make things simpler, it’s a cover by Miku on the Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai (My Sister Can’t be this Cute) tenth episode ending theme. Jesus that’s a long description] (Track 15) got me no, no, no… It’s that cutesy sweet song again, and I did not know it came from this Anime. I never watched it either. Anyway, whenever it’s cute stuff, there will be fans for it, I’m not one of them, so yeah.


It has a lot of nostalgic factor if you are a Vocaloid veteran (I have been listening to Vocaloids for 5 years) so if you want some of the old songs, but don’t want to buy too many albums for each of them, this one holds a few. Oh, and it has electronica songs in it, so jump in if you want them.

Should you buy this album? : Maybe
Will Deathspark buy this album? : No, Yes…?
Reason: I’m on the hedge really. It has 3 songs that are seriously good, but the ratio of good to okay songs are 1 : 5, so, I guess I could buy it, or not.

3 stars on this, I guess if it had lesser tracks and much more new songs, I’d like it more.
Mikus ratingMikus ratingMikus ratingDark Review starsDark Review stars

    • Well I watched it 😛 And I did see it before. Welp, maybe I just forgot it had a MV. But still, I watched it, so no don’t assume I don’t give a damn about comments.

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