15th is the charm, and Deco*27 will be next! This time it’s an album most people may have. 相愛性理論 (Sou Ai Sei Ri Ron) is the name, and you may be familiar with this. You may have loved this to death or probably not even liked it, but let’s see what I think, eh? I’ll be honest, sure I liked Deco*27 songs, BUT! Not all of them. I don’t really like or hate all of them, so I will have plenty of neutrals.
Album: 相愛性理論
Genre: Soft Rock/Calm
Link: https://itunes.apple.com/jp/album/sou-ai-sei-ri-ron/id573891055
Tracks: 18
Song Highlight: ハルイチ。(Track 2), 愛言葉 (Track 5), 愛 think so, feat. とぴ (Track 15), 愛言葉 (sasakure.UK Remix) (Track 17)
Nope, no intros, but it does scream the album title’s name in the first song.
What I like
ハルイチ。[Haruichi] (Track 2) was like a jewel to me. This song was so underrated and yet it’s so good. Probably overshadowed by most songs made by Deco*27, please don’t forget this one. This one is really good. The song is catchy and it feels very energetic. The song meaning itself, well, it’s more of a story and pretty straightforward. You can check it out for yourself:
If you just want a summary, it’s another love story Deco*27 loves to pull off every time, well, most of the time, well, whatever… (He does make a variety of songs about love, not happy ones all the time).
愛言葉 (Track 5) is a must know for all Vocaloid fans. Ai Kotoba, come on, you can tell just by looking at the words. If you are new to the Vocaloid scene, please know this song. Love Words in English, and this song is what I meant by Deco*27’s typical love songs. It’s cute, refreshing and happy. This song is an instant classic. If you are a veteran in Vocaloids (At least knowing Vocaloids for 3 years or more), there is no way you don’t know this song unless you were extremely ignorant. Anyway, this song is in multiple albums, so if another Deco*27 album will be reviewed, I won’t talk about this song again.
愛 think so, feat. とぴ (Track 15) apparently is better than its original I must say. Topi (the name of the singer covering this song) has such a beautiful voice to me. Her voice plus with the song’s atmosphere nails it properly. Sure, the original with Miku in it is fine, but this one is better to me. Sometimes humans are better than Vocaloids you know? Don’t assume I always side humans though, there are plenty of covers that I’d prefer the Vocaloid versions instead. I swear I did mention about Topi before in a previous review. Check out Fragments by Dixie Flatline. I remembered I did mention her in a song called Gemini.
愛言葉 (sasakure.UK Remix) (Track 17) is one of those songs that get remixed properly again. But what can I ask for anyway? Deco*27 x sasakure.UK? That’s beautiful! Combine guitars and chiptune and you get this beauty here, of course it appeals to chiptune lovers. Honestly, I was at first not appealed to sasakure.UK’s works at first. In fact, I was like “Um, naaaah” and then after listening to more sasakure.UK, I realized he does make good music, wait, we’re talking about this album. Let’s save this for another day, yeah? Anyway, this song is your typical Ai Kotoba except chiptuned.
What I don’t like
Nothing really, they don’t really hurt my ears so that’s alright.
Personal Opinions
二息歩行 (Track 13) is one of those songs that doesn’t ring for me. Yeah go ahead, debate me. This song may be your top song, but to me, it’s just, okay…? I mean, it’s alright, but it’s just, well, okay… I wasn’t overwhelmed or anything, but maybe it’s because I am not a fan of songs that sound a little depressing. Yes, it’s depressing to me, if you see the lyrics. But even without the lyrics, it already feels depressing already. Like, take Ai Kotoba and put this side by side. They are two different worlds.
ハルイチ。 (kous Remix) (Track 16) is one of those remixes that are just not for me… Like, it’s too slow. Compare it to the original; this one’s very, VERY slow. It’s kous after all; he’s good in this kind of songs. So, I can’t really like it. The original takes the cake for me.
Guitar lovers and Deco*27 fans, this is an album you can’t miss. This album contains your guitar fix you need and will definitely brighten your day.
Should you buy this album? : Yes
Will Deathspark buy this album? : Maybe
Reason: If you noticed something, sure I did highlight a few only, so that means I’m not a fan of too many songs in it right? Yes, that’s why.
3/5 for me. It has a lot of tracks, but not all of them are seriously great.