Album Info
Download Links

Bandcamp (Click “Buy Now”, insert 0 to enable free download. Also contains video file for track “Frame of Mind” and alternative tracks)
mediafire (Official download, only contain track 1-5)

    • Tracklist:
      1. Fervor
        fourcolon feat. 初音ミク
      2. I Love You So
        fourcolon feat. 初音ミク
      3. Frame of Mind
        fourcolon feat. 初音ミク
      4. Goodnight
        fourcolon feat. 初音ミク
      5. Abomination
        fourcolon feat. 初音ミク
      6. Breathe.
        fourcolon feat. 初音ミク

    VocaDB Album Link:VocaDB
    Video that contain songs related to this album: