- Tracklist:
1 ようこそ、不謌思戯
2 ピンボケ世怪平和
sasakure.UK feat. Annabel
3 ポンコツディストーカー
sasakure.UK feat. IA
4 クレイマーズ↑ハイ
sasakure.UK feat. あやぽんず*
5 nour
6 ゴースト・ライト
sasakure.UK feat. 重音テト
7 ヤチヨノ子守唄
sasakure.UK feat. そらこ
8 ウバワレタモノ
sasakure.UK feat. lasah
9 阡年と螺旋、散るものを
sasakure.UK feat. すぃ
10 百鬼夜行 (MillionGhostWander)
11 ki ki kai kai
sasakure.UK feat. GUMI
12 ア(マ)ヤカシ・モノガナシィ
sasakure.UK feat. ピリオ
13 …to mo da ti ?
14 ガラテアの螺旋
15 閃鋼のブリューナク
sasakure.UK feat. ピリオ
Please add this link
Thanks! Added.
hey, does that link have instrumental tracks included? if not, i have them and i can upload it
The link has all 15 tracks. It also has the instrumentals. Tracks 1, 5, 13, 14 I guess. Do you mean converting the whole tracklist into instrumentals?
yes. the karaoke tracks, I have all of them.
Well nope! Please do add them! 🙂
maybe not too soon. mega is inaccessible in my area right now.
Mega link is broken, *please* fix.