“Choose your album” event and T-shirt information!

Choose your album, we gonna publish it!

We would like to happily announce that MikuDB is back in the exact shape like it was before. Thanks to the hard work of the new team members and the community, we managed to restore all the missing album covers and fix alot of broken links. While the work with the latter one is still not at the end, we want to give something to the community as “thank you”.

I would like to start first with the event, because I guess this is the main reason why you clicked on this post. In the first phase, we will make from now on a poll, where only “registered” users can vote. The second phase consist of team members discussing, how to obtain the album or if the album is worth uploading. While discussing, we definitely take into account the number of votes the album gained and how it is obtainable.

Shortly summarized:

  1. A user vote for an album he wants us to publish
  2. The album must be available via online purchase not physical copy
  3. We will take into account the number of people voting for which album
  4. There gonna be a post where we announce which albums were chosen and which will be posted next time. There gonna be many rounds, not one.

[yop_poll id=”18″]

T-shirt is back!

For those who were contacting us with plead if we will ever sell a t shirt again, yes we will! While we have the design and all the things well thought out, we were not able to launch the campaign due and in the end, there was a massive delay. While you all know, there is always hectic surrounding T shirts, we decided to postpone it after all things are finished and working. Many times, when we were ready to announce it something unexpected came between. First my paypal ban, second was the issue with the deleted albums and now lastly the changes in team. Now that everything is behind us, we can focus on delivering the things we promised. We have not forgotten you!

Shortly summarized:

  1. The new T shirts gonna have a slightly different style then the old ones. Many of you were giving us feedbacks that the T-shirt logo on the front is too big and eye catching, we have reworked both the front and the back.
  2. There gonna be 2 versions – Black and White, so everyone can choose which one they want
  3. The price gonna be different for people from Indonesia, where the T shirt seller can use domestic shipping, for other countries, we will use the standard global shipping with 1 united price
  4. A certain quota must be reached so the T shirt can go into production ( so the price is lower, rather then ordering 1 piece for each person while the quality is same)
  5.  we will soon deliver all the information needed and start the selling already this week, if possible.


And for all those hater(s)…

We are doing well and the server is working now also well! The DDoS (from 1 computer) and the paypal ban (again fake report from certain individual) with the fake gossips (again from 1 certain individual) and awful threatenings (okay i think everyone realised my sarcasm and what I wanted to write) made us stronger! Especially thanks to jha*cough*t for noticing us!

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