Image courtesy of Mamemena. Source here.
January’s Report:
Hey nerds, Kyro here.
Last month, the DBteam has uploaded 44 new entries, fixed the links to 36 entries, and standardised 58 entries. If you’d like to see precisely what changed, please visit the #mdb_log channel on our Discord server.
As promised, the DBteam was a little bit more active at posting new albums this month since most of its members are on their semester break. Unfortunately, I personally have been busy with personal matters so I can’t find the time to fix dead albums and standardise items. I’ll pick up the pace in February.
>Hey Kyro, what’s up?
For this month, let’s talk about Facebook. About two weeks ago, I published a community survey to the masses. I have learnt many things from the survey, but the most important thing I learned is that most of our community members are focused on Facebook. First things first, I’ll have to apologise to the users there since we have been quiet on Facebook as of late. I didn’t see the importance of our FB page since the thought of it is literally inconceivable to me. I don’t use FB personally, or any other social platform while we are at it, so I don’t realise its impact on the database. I didn’t know that by ignoring our FB page, I am essentially alienating a good portion of our community members.
So, starting from February, we’ll be focusing on our FB management. Personally, I’ll pay more attention to Facebook and answer any legitimate questions we received via direct messages. To further connect our FB page and the database, we’ll also dock in a bot to announce any new articles and uploads on database to Facebook. We are also looking for ways of adding more activities to our FB group. So far I have no idea what to do as I am not well-versed on using Facebook but that’s a subject up for discussion.
The donation box is still underway, by the way, albeit delayed. We are currently discussing on as to how we should handle it as well as writing down concrete contingencies. Plus, we are currently in the middle of a festive celebration so we couldn’t pay much attention on the database.
That’s all from me for now. Again, I still owe you guys that FAQ post. I have gotten a lot of feedbacks from the survey so expect the FAQ some time this month. For the time being, I must end this article. With that said, Happy Lunar Year, peeps. Don’t forget to chew your food properly!