Things that should have been done but aren’t

I would like to apologize everyone for overhype about the new MikuDB incoming. Sadly, due to some unforseen issues (ex-machina I guess?) the new version of MikuDB will be postponed). We really don’t know when the system will be out, simply, because the development got held.

With that I would like to also announce that we will keep operating on this current platform with further development. One of those things I would really like to change is the way Broken links are being fixed now and albums created (the bug how its hard to see the suggestions for vocals, labels and more.). My idea is to let everyone here on MikuDB to have the privileges to edit the download link by themself (yes, you heard right! Everyone can insert a new link they uploaded somewhere on website).

What if some one wants to sabotage MikuDB and erases all the links? Isn’t much freedom here?

Up till now it works this following way. Some one creates an album, the album is reviewed by some moderator, then published. The same process is happening even if you edit your album. This was acting as a security measure so nothing like this gonna happen. If some one erases the link, we have all the revisions available on the album and we see exactly when and who did the changes.

I believe personally this will make the community more engaged.

MikuDB Groups

The next thing i would like to announce are Groups. For now, there will be groups only created by admins and Community mods ( new announcement for recruiting will be coming soon). We will have for starters- MikuDB Album indexing volunteers ( people who will be creating and posting new albums), MikuDB reuploaders( people willing to actively fix broken links), MikuDB Welcome commitee (I like this group alot lel).

Each group will have later a person responsible for the group where he will divide the task to all others inside the group. Hopefully it will help the website.


I rather made this really tiny, cuz im still not sure if I will have time to fix the design of our Social hub, but its truly something I am looking for!

  1. “My idea is to let everyone here on MikuDB to have the privileges to edit the download link by themself ” mmm no thanks :/ virus inb4

  2. Maybe make on album/news page check box for signup and unsignup on comments, for user notification in “gray circle” what new answer in comments (sorry for my english)

    • Thanks for your opinion. I think its the best to simply let the members to carry more burden of the staff. Cuz as you can know, sometimes its really pain in the ass to wait till some one fixes it.

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